The Create your own Racket mural was a collabration with myself and Daniel Bartle aka Lucid Arts.
We did this project over the summer of 2014, with the help of Lee Burgess from Kultured Chameleon Gallery in Kansas City MO. The wall is located in the area known as the east crossroads on 17th and Locust. Lee approached the building owners about allowing some local graff artists to paint the wall. The property owners agreed and over the years random pieces popped up on the wall. Over time the owners wanted something more cohesive to be displayed so Lucid and I came up with the a flim noir style piece that was in line with his KC OG series. It took about 40 hours over 3 months to complete. We would work on it in small chunks over lunch breaks and Saturday afternoons. Daniel and I both worked out the design and layout of the mural with Daniel's focus being on the faces and cars and my focus on the background graphics and letters. We are hype to have this under our belts and can't wait to see all the wedding and car shoots that happen in front of this wall.

