Ink Magazing and Redbullkc hired me to paint a mural for the Middle of the Map Fest that happens every spring in Kansas City. I was working with their graphics, so i don't take credit for the center logo, but i designed and painted everything else. The new mural is right next to the old one and hopefully over the years I can keep expanding on the rest of the wall to keep the theme going.

This is the look at the final version of the mural. A bit different but not bad for an 11hr session i think.

I am amped up the saturation on this image a bit but it really does pop in the sunlight.

Chez, the dancing assistant. Couldn't have finished this on time without her!

This was the design that was finally approved even though i changed it quite a bit in the actual mural.

This was one concept that someone close to the festival thought would be cool. It's a line from a Get Up Kids song.

I was in a rush to come up with an idea for the mural so i went back to some ideas i hadn't been able to use yet and showed the committee this. This design turned out to be a little abstract for them. I guess they didn't remember this from the skit on ATCQ's Midnight Marauders album. I am glad we agreed on the final design. It speaks to wider audience and fits the fest better. I silll gotta find a way to paint ths soon though. Mhmm!