This year my MLK day of service took place at Sullivan high school in the Rogers Park neighborhood in Chicago. My Dad and I joined my brothers and about 1000 volunteers and City Year staff in a full day of painting, cleaning and building.
My part in during the day was a mural in a meeting room on the 1st floor of the school. The inspiration for the piece came from the school's web site where they feature and acronym for the word FIST that is their motto: Family, Integrity, Service and Tenacity. I also did the Chicago city flag in South African flag colors as a shout to the late Nelson Mandela.
It took about 13hrs with the help of a few people to get it done in time so I could get dinner and hop on the bus home. I am glad to have the opportunity to share some of my talents and brighten up this meeting room with a fresh mural. Special thanks to Douglas, Davis and Jeffrey Shafer. Principal Chad Adams and Andrea Serrano for all the help and support.