I like to be able to give back to the community when I can with my talents and time. I was asked to come out and speak to a 7th and 8th grade class at Anitoch middle school in Gladstone MO. I spoke to them about my mural process, physically and conceptually and asked them to draw me examples of how they would represent themselves or what they were into in a mural. The drawings I received back were amazing and full of variety. From those drawings I adapted the common themes into the piece I painted this summer at the school. There was tons of school and local sports pride with a touch of LGBT awareness and few other things. I hope I captured their spirit well in this mural and I am eager to hear about their reaction in the fall.
7' x 9', spray paint on cinder block, June 2016, Gladstone, Missouri
special thanks to Alex Fields for setting everything up, Caleb Sommerville for the A/V support and Mary Perez for the extra hand in painting.

intern Mary Perez lends a hand